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党英侨 王小艺

党英侨, 王小艺. 害虫种群的发展与调控[J]. 陆地生态系统与保护学报. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0005
引用本文: 党英侨, 王小艺. 害虫种群的发展与调控[J]. 陆地生态系统与保护学报. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0005
Yingqiao Dang, Xiaoyi Wang. The Development and Regulation of Insect Pest Populations[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0005
Citation: Yingqiao Dang, Xiaoyi Wang. The Development and Regulation of Insect Pest Populations[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0005


doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0005
基金项目: “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1400300);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CAFYBB2023MA010);国家自然科学基金项目(31971666)




  • 中图分类号: S763.3

The Development and Regulation of Insect Pest Populations

  • 摘要: 作为自然界中种类和数量最多的动物类群,昆虫与人类生活息息相关。害虫给人类生产生活造成了严重危害,尽管人类长期与其进行斗争,但很难获胜。这主要是因为害虫种群在时空尺度上均易拓展,而人为干扰只是在局部起到一定的害虫种群数量调控作用。事实上除喷施化学药剂、布设诱集装置和采取营林及捕杀等人为干扰措施外,气候、寄主植物和天敌等其他生物也是害虫种群调控中的重要因子。本文基于害虫种群发生发展现状,在阐明害虫种群自然发展规律的基础上,重点从气候条件、寄主植物和天敌等方面介绍自然条件下害虫种群的抑制因子。通过综述目前常见的几种害虫种群调控途径,认为害虫种群调控需要考虑全部种群分布的区域、作用因子的短期致死率、持续作用时间等,并以最终累积的种群年总死亡率或世代总死亡率为重要指标。综合考虑多种生物和非生物因子,充分利用天敌等自然调控因子的作用,削减各因子之间的不利影响,是更好调控害虫种群的必要途径。
  • 图  1  光肩星天牛、美国白蛾和桃蚜在理想条件下的种群数量变化

    Figure  1.  Population changes of Anoplophora glabripennis, Hyphantria cunea, and Myzus persicae under ideal conditions

    图  2  光肩星天牛、美国白蛾和桃蚜在自然条件下的种群数量变化

    注:自然抑制因子包括不利气候条件、寄主植物抗性和有益生物因子。The natural inhibitory factors include adverse climatic conditions, host plant resistance, and natural enemies.

    Figure  2.  Population changes of Anoplophora glabripennis, Hyphantria cunea, and Myzus persicae under natural conditions

    图  3  光肩星天牛、美国白蛾和桃蚜在多种人为干扰条件下的种群数量变化

    注:人为干扰措施包括人为诱集或捕杀、开发或利用植物抗性、引进或助增天敌。Human intervention measures include trapping or killing, exploitation of plant resistance, and introduction or augmentation of natural enemies.

    Figure  3.  Population changes of Anoplophora glabripennis, Hyphantria cunea, and Myzus persicae under various human intervention measures

    表  1  单一人为干扰措施下光肩星天牛、美国白蛾和桃蚜的种群数量变化

    Table  1.   Population changes of Anoplophora glabripennis, Hyphantria cunea, and Myzus persicae under a single human intervention measure

    Human intervention measure
    Growth rate of Anoplophora
    Growth rate of Hyphantria
    Growth rate of Myzus
    One year later
    Five years later
    One year later
    Five years later
    One year later
    Five years later
    Chemical pesticide spraying
    0.2↓ 45.01↑ 0.02↓ 5.60×106 4.43×106 7.02×1053
    Trapping or killing
    1.55↑ 8.93↑ 8.28↑ 3.89×104 3.9×103 9.02×1017
    Exploitation of plant resistance
    1.17↑ 2.12↑ 3.49↑ 520↑ 12.4↑ 2.89×105
    Introduction or augmentation
    of natural enemies
    3.49↑ 0.0003↓ 94.31↑ <0.0001↓ 9.81×104 <0.0001↓
      注:3种害虫的初始虫口数量均为100头,↓和↑分别表示与初始虫口数量相比,某一时间害虫种群数量在某种措施作用下有所减少和增加。The initial population for each of the three pests is 100 individuals. ↓and↑indicated, respectively, a decrease and increase in the population of the pest at a certain time under the influence of a particular intervention measure compared to the initial population.
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