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陈健 陈淼 邢红爽 李非凡 刘顺 许格希 史作民

陈健, 陈淼, 邢红爽, 李非凡, 刘顺, 许格希, 史作民. 岷江上游干旱河谷−山地森林交错带土壤碳氮含量及同位素的空间异质性[J]. 陆地生态系统与保护学报, 2024, 4(1): 23-34. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0011
引用本文: 陈健, 陈淼, 邢红爽, 李非凡, 刘顺, 许格希, 史作民. 岷江上游干旱河谷−山地森林交错带土壤碳氮含量及同位素的空间异质性[J]. 陆地生态系统与保护学报, 2024, 4(1): 23-34. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0011
Jian Chen, Miao Chen, Hongshuang Xing, Feifan Li, Shun Liu, Gexi Xu, Zuomin Shi. Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Contents and Isotopes in the Arid Valley-Mountain Forest Ecotone in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation, 2024, 4(1): 23-34. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0011
Citation: Jian Chen, Miao Chen, Hongshuang Xing, Feifan Li, Shun Liu, Gexi Xu, Zuomin Shi. Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Contents and Isotopes in the Arid Valley-Mountain Forest Ecotone in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation, 2024, 4(1): 23-34. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0011


doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0011
基金项目: 基金项目: “十四五”国家重点研发计划课题(2023YFD2200404-03);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CAFYBB2021ZA002-2,CAFYBB2022QC002,CAFYBB2022SY021)




  • 中图分类号: S714

Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Contents and Isotopes in the Arid Valley-Mountain Forest Ecotone in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, China

  • 摘要:   目的  探究岷江上游干旱河谷−山地森林交错带土壤碳氮循环的空间异质性及其影响机制,为该地区科学管理提供理论依据。  方法  于岷江上游干旱河谷与山地森林的过渡区选取具有典型代表性的橿子栎(Quercus baronii)灌木林为研究对象,基于拉丁超立方体抽样设计对样地土壤进行取样,采用经典统计学和地统计学相结合的方法分析了样地土壤碳氮含量和碳氮同位素的描述性统计特征、空间异质性、空间相似性及其相关关系。  结果  岷江上游干旱河谷−山地森林交错带橿子栎灌木林土壤δ13C和土壤δ15N分别呈现弱变异和中等程度的空间变异。土壤δ13C和土壤δ15N均呈现正的空间自相关关系,并且土壤δ13C的空间聚集性高于土壤δ15N。土壤δ13C的空间异质性由结构性因素主导,土壤δ15N的空间异质性受结构性因素和随机性因素共同影响。土壤δ13C与土壤δ15N的空间分布具有很强的相似性,并且都与土壤碳氮含量具有较强的空间关联。土壤δ13C与土壤δ15N具有很强的相关关系,并都受到土壤水分、碳氮含量及其比值的直接或间接影响。  结论  岷江上游干旱河谷−山地森林交错带橿子栎灌木林具有不同的土壤碳氮同位素空间变异程度和耦合的碳氮同位素关系。
  • 图  1  采样点位置

    注:X为样地东西方向轴,Y为样地南北方向轴。下同。X is the east-west axis of the sample plot and Y is the north-south axis of the sample plot. Same as below.

    Figure  1.  Distribution of soil sampling points

    图  2  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的空间自相关关系

    Figure  2.  Spatial autocorrelation analysis of soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopes

    图  3  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的空间分布图

    Figure  3.  Spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopes

    图  4  土壤碳氮同位素的偏相关分析

    注:Zero-order代表零阶相关分析的结果。图中星号和ns (no significance)代表显著性水平。ns,P>0.05;*,0.01<P<0.05;**,0.001<P<0.01;***,P<0.001。STC,土壤全碳;STN,土壤全氮;SCN,土壤碳氮比;Soil δ13C,土壤δ13C;Soil δ15N,土壤δ15N。Zero-order represents the result of zero-order correlation analysis. Asterisks and ns in the figure represent the level of significance. ns, P>0.05; *, 0.01<P<0.05; **, 0.001<P<0.01; ***, P<0.001. STC, soil total carbon; STN, soil total nitrogen; SCN, soil carbon to nitrogen ratio; Soil δ13C, the natural abundance of soil stable carbon isotopes; Soil δ15N, the natural abundance of soil stable nitrogen isotopes.

    Figure  4.  Partial correlation analysis of soil carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

    图  5  土壤因子的相关分析

    注:图中星号代表显著性水平,颜色与数字代表Pearson相关系数的大小。***,P<0.001。Asterisks represent the level of significance, the color and numbers shown by Pearson's r ranging from -1 to 1 indicate the strength of the correlation. ***, P<0.001.

    Figure  5.  Correlation analysis of soil factors

    表  1  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的描述统计分析与K-S检验

    Table  1.   Descriptive statistical analysis and K-S test of soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopes

    Standard deviation
    土壤全碳 STC/(g·kg−1)44.16212.52628.3650.540
    土壤全氮 STN/(g·kg−1)3.7451.07228.6380.685
    土壤碳氮比 SCN11.8110.5104.3180.787
    土壤δ13C Soil δ13C/‰−25.3330.9573.7780.425
    土壤δ15N Soil δ15N/‰4.9571.08221.8330.575
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的半变异函数模型及其参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of semivariogram models for soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopes

    Best model
    Nugget /Sill
    Gaussian model
    82.200 222.400 0.370 38.954 0.886 746
    Spherical model
    0.380 1.641 0.232 43.970 0.913 0.033
    Spherical model
    0.001 0.248 0.005 9.570 0.695 0.001
    Soil δ13C
    Exponential model
    0.130 0.999 0.130 17.490 0.952 0.003
    Soil δ15N
    Exponential model
    0.601 1.354 0.444 27.600 0.640 0.040
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    表  3  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的分形维数

    Table  3.   Fractal dimensions of soil carbon and nitrogen content and their stable isotopes

    各向异性 Anisotropy
    土壤全碳 STC1.752 (0.886)1.742 (0.994)1.732 (0.874)1.700 (0.847)1.862 (0.469)
    土壤全氮 STN1.740 (0.919)1.731 (0.993)1.709 (0.901)1.695 (0.877)1.852 (0.542)
    土壤碳氮比 SCN1.952 (0.309)1.972 (0.029)1.962 (0.049)1.969 (0.700)1.830 (0.982)
    土壤δ13C Soil δ13C1.881 (0.940)1.895 (0.437)1.914 (0.546)1.863 (0.760)1.828 (0.984)
    土壤δ15N Soil δ15N1.898 (0.670)1.851 (0.745)1.866 (0.260)1.836 (0.698)1.951 (0.097)
      注:括号中的数据为模型的决定系数(R2) 。Data in parentheses are model coefficients of determination (R2).
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    表  4  土壤碳氮含量及其同位素的交叉变异函数模型及其参数

    Table  4.   Parameters of cross-variogram models for soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopes

    Soil δ13C ~ STC 高斯模型 Gaussian model 0.671 34.884 0.983 0.201
    Soil δ13C ~ STN 球状模型 Spherical model 0.748 35.030 0.973 0.002
    Soil δ13C ~ SCN 球状模型 Spherical model 0.999 8.400 0.078 0.003
    Soil δ13C ~ Soil δ15N 指数模型 Exponential model 0.590 43.860 0.971 0.002
    Soil δ15N ~ STC 球状模型 Spherical model 0.642 38.980 0.811 4.950
    Soil δ15N ~ STN 球状模型 Spherical model 0.635 37.110 0.816 0.037
    Soil δ15N ~ SCN 高斯模型 Gaussian model 0.999 9.682 0.599 0.001
      注:STC,土壤全碳;STN,土壤全氮;SCN,土壤碳氮比;Soil δ13C,土壤δ13C;Soil δ15N,土壤δ15N。STC, soil total carbon; STN, soil total nitrogen; SCN, soil carbon to nitrogen ratio; Soil δ13C, the natural abundance of soil stable carbon isotopes; Soil δ15N, the natural abundance of soil stable nitrogen isotopes.
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