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Ruiqiang Wang, Yanhua Mo, Jiangming Ma, Jiashuang Qin. Characteristics of Soil Respiration in Broad-leaved Evergreen Forest and Phyllostachys edulis Plantations in the Lijiang River Source Area[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2023-0073
Citation: Ruiqiang Wang, Yanhua Mo, Jiangming Ma, Jiashuang Qin. Characteristics of Soil Respiration in Broad-leaved Evergreen Forest and Phyllostachys edulis Plantations in the Lijiang River Source Area[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2023-0073

Characteristics of Soil Respiration in Broad-leaved Evergreen Forest and Phyllostachys edulis Plantations in the Lijiang River Source Area

doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2023-0073
  • Received Date: 2023-12-18
  • Accepted Date: 2024-04-03
  •   Objective  Study the soil respiration characteristics of broad-leaved evergreen forest and Phyllostachys edulis plantations in the source area of the Lijiang River, and provide scientific basis for the estimation and management of soil carbon emissions in the region.  Method  Using the Li-8100A soil carbon flux measurement system to monitor the soil respiration rate of broad-leaved evergreen forest, Phyllostachys edulis forest, and nurtured and transformed Phyllostachys edulis plantations (Phyllostachys edulis - Polygonatum cyrtonema, Phyllostachysedulis-Sarcandra glabra) in the source area of Lijiang River from December 2022 to November 2023.  Result  1) The annual variation characteristics of soil respiration rate of broad-leaved evergreen forest, Phyllostachys edulis forest and nursed and transformed Phyllostachys edulis plantations showed an overall single-peak curve with an increasing and then decreasing rate. 2) The annual average of total soil respiration in broad-leaved evergreen forest was (4.18±2.01 μmol·m−2·s−1), significantly higher than that of Phyllostachys edulis forest (2.36±1.18 μmol·m−2·s−1) and Phyllostachys edulis plantations after tending and transformation (2.41±1.09 and 2.54±1.18 μmol·m−2·s−1), which were 1.77, 1.73 and 1.67 times higher than that of Phyllostachys edulis forest and Phyllostachys edulis plantations after tending and transformation, respectively. After tending and transformation the Phyllostachys edulis forest and intercropping Sarcandra glabra and Polygonatum cyrtonema, the total soil respiration was increased, and the total soil respiration of intercropping Sarcandra glabra was lower than that of intercropping Polygonatum cyrtonema. 3) Soil temperature and soil moisture are the main factors influencing soil respiration rates, and together explained 63.5%~86.1% of soil respiration variation in broad-leaved evergreen forest, Phyllostachys edulis forest and tended and transformed Phyllostachys edulis plantations.  Conclusion  The soil respiration of the broad-leaved evergreen forest in the source area of the Lijiang River is significantly higher than that of the Phyllostachys edulis forest and the Phyllostachys edulis plantations after tending and transformation. The soil respiration of Phyllostachys edulis plantations is increased after tending and transforming and intercropping Sarcandra glabra and Polygonatum cyrtonema. Soil temperature and soil moisture are the main g factors influencing the soil respiration and its components.
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