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Xueqin Ren, Zhichao Zou, Xin Yuan, Zhonghui Xiao, Di Wu. Camera-trapping Survey of Wild Mammals and Ground-dwelling Birds in Longqishan National Nature Reserve, China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0017
Citation: Xueqin Ren, Zhichao Zou, Xin Yuan, Zhonghui Xiao, Di Wu. Camera-trapping Survey of Wild Mammals and Ground-dwelling Birds in Longqishan National Nature Reserve, China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0017

Camera-trapping Survey of Wild Mammals and Ground-dwelling Birds in Longqishan National Nature Reserve, China

doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0017
  • Received Date: 2024-03-05
  • Accepted Date: 2024-04-30
  •   Objective  The purpose of this study was to gain in-depth understanding of wildlife resources situation in Longqishan National Nature Reserve (LNNR).  Method  From June 2022 to June 2023, infrared camera traps was deployed assisted by line transects method to conduct preliminary surveys of bird and mammal species.  Result  With an extensive survey effort of 11,680 camera-days, a total of 15,009 photographs were obtained, of which 2,831 independent images of identifiable species were obtained. 16 wild mammal species (5 orders and 9 families) and 6 bird species (2 orders and 3 families) were identified. Among all the detected species, 3 species were listed as first-class National Protected Wildlife (Muntiacus crinifrons, Tragopan caboti and Sytmaticus ellioti), and 6 species were listed as second-class National Protected Wildlife (Ursus thibetanus, Macaca mulatta, M. arctoides, Capricornis milneedwardsii, Lophura nycthemera and Arborophila gingica). Six species were listed as Vulnerable, and one as Near Threatened according to the IUCN Red List.  Conclusion  This survey supplemented the data of bird and mammal diversity in Longqishan National Nature Reserve, and reflected the situation of wildlife resources, provided a reference for wildlife protection and resources management in LNNR, it also provided a basis for the establishment of a wildlife monitoring system in LNNR system and effective protection. which were conducive to the long-term monitoring of biodiversity in LNNR.
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