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Wenhai Yang, Zhilian Yang, Yanhui Wang, Xiangdong Li, Zhengan Wang, Wei Chen. Microclimate Features of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantations in the Liupan Mountains of Northwestern China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0026
Citation: Wenhai Yang, Zhilian Yang, Yanhui Wang, Xiangdong Li, Zhengan Wang, Wei Chen. Microclimate Features of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantations in the Liupan Mountains of Northwestern China[J]. Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation. doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0026

Microclimate Features of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantations in the Liupan Mountains of Northwestern China

doi: 10.12356/j.2096-8884.2024-0026
  • Received Date: 2024-02-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-04-25
  •   Objective  The microclimate features under forest canopy (UFC) and in forest gap (IFG) of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations were monitored to provide a scientific basis for understanding the microclimate regulation effect of forest and for guiding the forest management promoting the regeneration of understory trees and the optimal use of multiple forest ecosystem services.  Methods  Microclimate monitoring plots of UFC (with an age of 40 years and a canopy density of 0.52) and IFG (with an area 750 m2) were established in the southern sub-humid area of the Liupan Mountains, Ningxia, Northwestern China. Meteorological parameters and the soil temperature and moisture at 10 cm depth were monitored by automatic weather stations for one year from December 2022. The meteorological data in open field (IOF) were obtained by interpolating the standard meteorological station data according to altitude, as a comparison basis.   Results  Compared with the habitat of IOF, the habitats of UFC and IFG showed obvious microclimate regulation effects, which were manifested in: 1) the annual means of cumulative value of solar radiation (MJ/m2) was UFC (4.53) < IFG (8.87) < IOF (13.99), indicating that the values of UFC and IFG were decreased to 0.32 and 0.63 times of that of IOF. The difference of monthly mean solar radiation accumulation value between the habitats of IOF and UFC or IFG was greater in growing season than in non-growing season. 2) The annual mean air temperature (℃) was UFC (7.2) < IOF (7.5) < IFG (7.8). The diurnal air temperature range (℃) was UFC (6.1) < IFG (6.3) < IOF (8.0), indicating a more gentle variation of air temperature of UFC and IFG. The difference of monthly mean air temperature between the habitat of UFC or IFG and IOF was smaller in growing season than in non-growing season. 3) The annual means of relative air humidity (%) was UFC (69.1) > IFG (64.7) > IOF (62.5), indicating an increase of 6.6% and 2.2% by the habitats of UFC and IFG compared with that of IOF. And the increase amplitude of air humidity was greater in growing season than in non-growing season. 4) The annual mean soil temperature (℃) at the depth of 10 cm was UFC (6.8) < IFG (8.8) < IOF (9.1), indicating a decrease of 2.3 ℃ and 0.3 ℃ at the habitats of UFC and IFG compared with that of IOF. The diurnal range of soil temperature (℃) was UFC (0.7) < IFG (1.5) < IOF (4.5); The soil temperature was decreased at the habitats of UFC and IFG in growing season but increased in non-growing season compared with that of IOF. 5) The annual mean soil moisture (%) at the depth of 10 cm was UFC (24.4) < IFG (29.8) < IOF (33.8), indicating an decrease of 9.4% and 4.0% at the habitats of UFC and IFG compared with that of IOF. And the effect of decreasing soil moisture of UFC and IFG was lower in the middle of growing season.   Conclusion  The microclimate regulation effect of the Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations is obvious, and it is greater in growing season than in non-growing season. Compared with open field, the solar radiation, soil temperature and soil moisture were significantly decreased at the habitats of under forest canopy and in forest gap, but the air humidity was significantly increased, and the variation amplitude of each index was reduced and the peak time was adjusted, has a good regulating and buffering effect on air temperature.
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